For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

-Jeremiah 29:11
Please post comments, I love to hear from my friends!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My mom had her baby!!!

This is my little sis., Lillian Elizabeth or Lilla Beth!!!!
More details to come! She was born around 10:00am


  1. She is so cuite. :) I can't wait to meet her, after lunch.

  2. Oh, Hannah, she is so beautiful!! Wow! Thanks for the picture. =) We're so happy for you!! Ahh!! Many prayers for healing, sleep, and bonding time! Yay!
    The Walleys

  3. o my goodness god has blessed u with a beautiful baby sister, it is exzactly what u wanted iam soo happy for u and ur family! she is soo pretty! i miss u all aton! my cell has no minuties and we r workin on fixing the home fone @ any cause please call 908 450 7444. my phone will not call so yah i love u all and miss u bunches lots of love to yopur family

    _love jillian cook.
